Tired of NMFC Re-Classification Inspections and “UP-CLASSING” Charges?

Posted On 15th October 2015

FreightRun.com can now offer various solutions where you can reduce class risk and the resulting consequent increased charges. All the solutions however depend on you submitting to the Freight Quote Calculator the absolutely correct gross weight (including the weight of pallets, cardboard, shrink wrap EVERYTHING in that calculation, scales are a good investment!) and the absolute outside measurements of each piece you are shipping.

The only way to get around the NMFC codes is to use density-only based tariffs; these tariffs determine their classes based on density ONLY; so your weights and measurements have to be accurate.

For larger shipments, 6 skids to 14 skids, Freightrun’s LTL tab of the Freight Quote Calculator will price those shipments as large partials or volume shipments, also known as quarter and half truckload pricing, and we uniquely have online volume or partial truckload pricing all automated for you.

What is NMFC Calculator?

The NMFC is a tool used by freight carriers to help them determine the shipping class of a particular commodity. The NMFC code is assigned to each commodity based on its transportation characteristics, such as density, stowability, handling, and liability.

To determine the NMFC code for your commodity, you can use the online NMFC Calculator. This tool will take into account the different transportation characteristics of your commodity and generate a list of possible shipping classes. From there, you can select the shipping class that best suits your needs.

If you have any further questions about using the NMFC Calculator or about shipping classes in general, feel free to contact us at any time. We would be happy to assist you.

How does the LTL density calculator work

FreightRun’s Online Volume Calculator quotes prices based on the amount of space (number of cubic feet of the shipment) your freight takes on the truck – so 6 standard skids take up 12 feet of space, 8 skids 16 feet, etc. It comes out to how many linear feet out of 53’ you are taking up in a truck. Your NMFC number is irrelevant – it doesn’t need to be on the Bill of Lading. You have no class risk.

For LTL or 1 to 6 skid shipments, FreightRun has made special deals with several carriers who don’t care if you leave off NMFC numbers from the Bills of Lading. Only your freight’s density will determine its class and thus rate.

ODFL, Old Dominion Freight Lines, has designed a special account for FreightRun in which the density alone determines the class. So be sure to enter the correct dimensions and corresponding weight on the Freight Calculator, and then be careful to choose the “density freight class” that Freight Run displays, and then there is no need to list your NMFC number in your Product Catalog on Freight Run for that particular item – you can just give a general description familiar to you and your customer perhaps the Brand name even combined with its density – for example “Lido Design Custom Cut Safety Railings 15 lbs/cuft density” - and ship at obviously the calculated by FreightRun density calculation which should be 15 lbs/cuft in this example.

ODFL will not challenge the rate quote with any kind of NMFC-based reasoning. They can still upcharge you, if your weight is more than you indicated, or measurements, are also out of whack enough to put you into another class, or if your receiver requires the use of a liftgate and you did not indicate that on the bill of lading, or if your freight is over-length or something unusual, but the NFMC risk and fight is over. ODLF is a quality carrier and avoiding time-consuming tussles with carriers via shipping with ODFL under their FreightRun tariff is a great way to make yourself more efficient and to fight the old NMFC system.

Central Transport is another option FreightRun can offer to you to bypass the outdated NMFC system. Central has an overly complicated density-based formula for determining class, and they determine their class in about 50% of the cases to be a class above the normal class levels that the industry uses – still, with Central Freight’s generally lower prices, it is a worthwhile way to go, especially if the shipment is a B2B dock-to-dock shipment or at least a dock to waiting forklift at receiver shipment.

Land Air Express of New England, Ross Express, Pilot, and several other carriers are providing us with non-NMFC-based tariffs – we will keep adding to the roster such quality freight carriers and will highlight the fact that they are density-based carriers in the little “i” next to the carrier name as shown below.

The NMFC-based tariff system is outdated, and unfair to the shipping public, and we all hope it is on its way out. Carriers’ risks is that shippers tender freight under these new tariffs that isn’t packed tough enough to withstand the normal rigors of LTL systems – but they could eliminate that issue with proper driver training and a requirement that the driver not accept freight that isn’t packed tough enough. For the customers who ship, NMFC is hopelessly complicated and we need a simple shipping solution whose prices and final costs are predictable.

FreightRun.com is working hard to provide more such non-NMFC carrier options to its clients. The online volume large partial freight calculator already prices in thousands of spot contract carriers who are outside the NMFC system – plus we are expanding our list of pallet carriers and linear foot carriers every week for you. Stay tuned, because FreightRun is fully committed to an NMFC-free shipping world.

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