Finally The Day Has Arrived: Automated Online Full Truckload Pricing

Posted On 26th September 2015

With technology has come increased transparency. Carriers, brokers, and the shipping “public” (shippers, receivers, product middlemen, or resellers who buy freight and arrange drop shipments), have all come to realize the approximate price normally paid between two points, adjusted a bit of course by the nature of the freight and the nature of the service required.

There also has been a maturation of the circular relationship among brokers, carriers, credit agencies, and the carriers’ factoring companies which has led to much more transparency for all involved. Despite freight brokerage bonds going to $75k, and despite most brokers paying freight bills extremely quickly or even offering QuickPay deals that are less expensive than the factoring arrangements of carriers, the factoring margins have not significantly decreased.

But the risk premium – the risk of dealing with brokers – has decreased and that has brought more players to the spot trucking market, made for more trust and greater liquidity, and has helped bring “definition” or narrowing of the band of freight prices; and probably decreased volatility as well. Even seasonality is less sharp than it used to be as carriers and brokers move more trucks more efficiently to where the demand spikes and vice versa.

This lower volatility and more efficient marketplace has helped make it possible for to come out with the first, we believe, fully automated online full and large partial truckload pricing for both van and flatbed moves.

Register at and you can check out this feature – it is the first of its kind – simple, innovative, and we believe the most efficient way to move freight at prices that are often significantly lower than your asset-priced contracted fleet pricing and lower than the large giant legacy 3PLs like CH Robinson will quote you.

Check it out. It is the wave of the future.